Closings - Buying or selling property is an exciting thing, but it can also be complicated. Our firm can guide you through the process to ensure that you avoid the pitfalls and end up where you expect to be.
Foreclosures - Foreclosures are never pleasant for any of the parties involved. In the event of wrongful foreclosures that may have arisen due to misleading loans, mortgage fraud, unfair or deceptive lending, raised interest rates, missed notifications, or other issues, we can help resolve the issue. In addition, we work with homeowners when foreclosure is imminent to negotiate with the lender for mortgage workouts.
Landlord / Tenant Issues - Whether it's transactional issues, such as drafting or reviewing residential or commercial lease agreements or disputes between the parties involving breach of lease agreements, evictions, wrongful evictions, etc., our firm can help get everyone on the right track.
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